As a Corneal specialist, Dr. Elander performs all Corneal surgery himself. He received specialized training in San Francisco at the prestigious Pacific Medical Center and has taught corneal procedures throughout the world. He is a board certified corneal specialist. Corneal surgery can range from corneal transplants and refractive lasik surgery to in-office procedures such as pterygium removal. The cornea is the central clear part of the eye and is critical to vision as this is the window to the eye.
Pterygium is a growth which extends from the white part of the eye onto the cornea, the central clear part. This growth comes from exposure to the elements - mostly wind and sun. Because of a recurrence rate as high as 30%, its removal is done when vision is threatened or when irritating symptoms are not relieved with medication. This surgery can be performed in the office or at the Surgical Center of the Pacific.
Corneal Transplants are performed when the cornea becomes cloudy from scarring, infection, or disease. Traditionally, the full-thickness of cornea is replaced. Newer approaches remove only the affected portion of cornea-either the front part or back layer. Donor corneal tissue is used for this sight-saving procedure. Visual recovery varies from one month to six months.
Lasik is also considered corneal surgery as this involves re-shaping of the cornea with laser to improve one's uncorrected visual acuity. In this procedure, an initial laser creates a corneal flap which is then lifted so that a second laser can re-shape the central cornea. This works for near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism. Lasik has been performed for nearly twenty years now and has revolutionized vision correction.
Cataract Surgery: not considered a corneal surgery. Go to Cataract Surgery.
Surgery Center of the Pacific
2121 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 201, Santa Monica, CA 90403