Dr. Troy Elander began his relationship with ORBIS 22 years ago. At that time, he was asked to join an ORBIS trip to China and share his corneal expertise with the local doctors. A “typical” trip involves preparing requested lectures for the local ophthalmologists as well as surgical demonstration and mentoring. Another important aspect of the ORBIS challenge, is the need for corneal tissue. It was the responsibility of Dr. Elander to hand carry the tissue he would use for the procedures he demonstrated. Many countries have since, successfully started organ donation programs.
ORBIS provides the world with quality eye care treatment for every human being, especially the more than 180 million who are blind, severely visually impaired or at risk of being blind. Right now 80% of those who are blind do not need to be. Millions can be cured with techniques routinely practiced in many countries. ORBIS works in developing countries to save sight through hands-on training, public health education and improved access to eye care. ORBIS operates the world's only flying eye hospital - a fully equipped teaching facility, built inside a MD-10 aircraft, bringing practical, hands-on training to local eye doctors, nurses, technicians and health care workers and restoring sight to thousands.
Orbis has been recognized as a "financially responsible charity"
click on: www.charitynavigator.org
China / June 2000

Uganda / July 2006